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Turn Autism Around

Jun 28, 2022

Manding for information is an important skill for intermediate learners. Today, I am joined by Dr. Sarah Lechago to discuss her research and trials teaching learners to mand for information. We talk about what manding is, the prerequisite manding skills that come before manding for information, how to use autoclitics,...

Jun 21, 2022

Last week we circled back to podcast 28 from 2019 with Dr. Michael Murray, talking all about medications and autism. Kelsey is back to feature 5 more big questions on medications for autism that we get in our community. If you’re considering medications for your child, wondering if they will work, and just how to get...

Jun 14, 2022

Originally aired in 2019, today’s episode is a rebroadcast of episode 28, and one of my favorite, most referenced podcasts. Dr. Michael Murray, the first medical doctor I had the pleasure of interviewing and whom I actually worked with to successfully find the right medication for my son, Lucas. In this classic...

Jun 7, 2022

If sleep has become a sore subject and a constant struggle for you and your child, you are not alone! Today, Kelsey General and I are answering top FAQs on sleep issues from our online community. We go over important questions to ask when assessing your child’s sleep situation, how to break the cycle of constant night...