Mar 29, 2022
Timeouts, punishment, and threats of punishment are an overused and ineffective strategy for changing problem behavior. Today, I am sharing the three big reasons timeouts do not work. I cover the base level problems with punishment, discipline, and why I do not recommend these strategies. You can find out more about...
Mar 22, 2022
"Sign Here", you may have heard your child say with a loose leaf scribbled contract in hand to get something they desire. This is actually a research based tool that you can use to get real change and meet real goals. Today I am interviewing Dr. William Heward and Dr. Jill Dardig, authors of the book, Let's Make a...
Mar 15, 2022
Do you have a toddler who was recently diagnosed with ASD? Elissa M is in the hot seat to share her beginnings of early intervention with her 2 and a half-year-old Lexi. After reading my book, Turn Autism Around, and working on my online Toddler Course, Elissa is ready to review Lexi’s assessments and discuss how her...
Mar 8, 2022
Are there signs that can lead to an early diagnosis of autism? In chapter two of my book, Turn Autism Around, I discuss possible warning signs for autism. I am going over these 10 signs in today's episode. These signs include lack of pointing, speech delays, and many more. Having these signs does not automatically mean...
Mar 1, 2022
Research and new research conducted by practitioners working within the field is critical to the development of practice and the betterment of our children. In this interview with Dr. Amber Valentino of Trumpet Behavior Health, we are discussing applied research, the importance of conducting studies, the barriers for...