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Turn Autism Around

Jul 26, 2022

Here at Turn Autism Around, we are familiar with denial and other feelings of guilt surrounding autism. Today Shannon Penrod, podcast host, author, and comedian, joins me to share her journey of hope with her son Jem. We discuss her personal stories as well as some important advice surrounding coping with feelings as...

Jul 19, 2022

We all want to be good parents and good professionals, dealing with problem behaviors can be difficult and have you doubting your skills. You are not alone! Rachel Smith, the Turn Autism Around Program Director, joins me today to discuss her first-hand experience with stopping problem behaviors for her three-year-old...

Jul 12, 2022

For the first time ever in a hot seat, we’re hearing from an Autism Dad. Vikram from Melbourne, Australia joins me to discuss his son Nahum’s concerns, his assessments, and his progress since starting my courses and applying the early learner materials. We talk a lot about language skills, as well as meal time...

Jul 5, 2022

The War in Ukraine is a serious crisis in today’s world, within that population, there are families with children with autism facing severe struggles due to loss of therapy service and extreme disruption to normalcy and routine for their family. Molly Ola Pinney of the Global Autism Project has been to Poland, spoken...