Mar 30, 2021
Dr. Temple Grandin joins me to talk about her greatest concerns for the autistic community and the benefits of early intervention for children. She looks back on her life to recount the people who were instrumental in helping her turn autism into an asset that’s served her well in her career in the livestock industry.
Mar 23, 2021
My husband, Dr. Charles Barbera, remembers how Lucas was diagnosed a little differently than I do, but we have a delightful conversation talking about some of the challenges of navigating an autism diagnosis for our oldest child. As a physician and an autism dad, I appreciate Charles’s perspective on our...
Mar 16, 2021
Studies have shown that kids with autism need 20-40 hours of ABA therapy a week. I get it. That sounds daunting to parents. I’m going to show you strategies to create a positive environment so that it’s easier to teach, engage, and connect to your child in your own home.
Mar 9, 2021
With only 700 developmental pediatricians in the country, I was glad to connect with Dr. Cheryl Tierney to get her unique insights on how to navigate an autism diagnosis. Cheryl is passionate about teaching parents how to help their children with autism sleep by themselves, and you’ll love her ABA approach to solving...
Mar 2, 2021
Is it possible that your child’s delays are simply part of the “COVID Kid” phenomenon? Casey C wasn’t interested in having her concerns brushed off by her provider, so when they told her that her son’s regression was normal, she started looking for answers herself.