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Turn Autism Around

Nov 24, 2020

For Black families, stigma and bias play an outsized role in the diagnosis and treatment of autism, and Maria Davis-Pierre wants to change that by opening up the conversation in Black communities and with health professionals.

Nov 17, 2020

There are three common mistakes parents and professionals make when teaching a child with autism manners. It can feel natural to prompt a child with “Say ‘Thank you!’”, but for a child with autism, the timing of when manners are taught matters just as much as the language ability of the child and the prompts...

Nov 10, 2020

Everyone feels useful and productive through a job, but for the autism community, where nearly 80% of them are unemployed, it can be hard to break through that barrier and enjoy that feeling. Ann Marie Sullivan’s company Spectrum Works seeks to be that bridge between unemployment and productive employment for the...

Nov 5, 2020

Deciding on whether an in-home ABA program or a school-based ABA program is the best course of action can be a difficult decision for any family to navigate, especially since the decision can impact the entire family. I’m going to explain some of the considerations you’ll need to take into account as you make...

Nov 3, 2020

As the reigning Miss Tampa and the runner-up to Miss Florida, Rachel Barcellona has created a platform for herself to positively share about her own journey with autism. But as a child, Rachel
often felt like an alien from outer space who was sent to visit an Earth middle school. She shares her beautiful story about how...