Dec 31, 2019
With 2019 coming to a close, I want to sit down and review my top ten favorite episodes from over the last year. These episodes include the most viewed episode, as well as my personal favorites. Did your favorite episode make the cut? Find out now!
Dec 24, 2019
When your goal is to help your child live their happiest, most independent life, you can get stuck going over a few obstacles. What should be the first step you take to improving their quality of life? How should you handle autism regression? Today I’m covering five obstacles that I see parents and professionals get...
Dec 17, 2019
Julie Hornok is an award-winning author, a nonprofit founder, and an autism parent. And on top of that, she is one of the most encouraging individuals I’ve interviewed on this podcast thus far. Julie is on a mission to inspire other mothers like her, who are battle-scarred and weary, and need to be reminded that there...
Dec 10, 2019
No matter how long you’ve worked in the autism field, you never know everything. I can vouch for this, and so can today’s interviewee, Kristen Colyer. Kristen is the director of Maryland’s Pieces of Wonder center; she is a BCBA; and she is currently going to school to obtain her PhD. Now, she is going to share her...
Dec 3, 2019
If your child has autism, chances are they’re also a very picky eater; there might only be a few foods that they will even consider eating. Furthermore, I know that eating problems are usually connected to problem behaviors. It’s time to turn your child’s eating habits around, and I’m here to tell you how, with...