Sep 24, 2019
In this episode, we hear from Ryan O’Donnell about his efforts to communicate about the Behavioral Science field using podcasts and videos. The content he produces is varied; some being directed to parents and other caregivers and some directed to BCBAs. He also gives presentations about autism all over the world, so...
Sep 17, 2019
There are numerous ways for grandparents of autistic children to be involved in teaching and skill development. Today’s interview is with a very dedicated grandmother who found Mary’s online courses and community at almost the exact time she first heard the word autism applied to her grandson. This grandmother has...
Sep 10, 2019
If your child has autism, then they’re likely prescribed certain medications. But which medications are best for your child, and which ones do more harm than good? Every person responds differently to medicine, so choosing the best one for your child may seem overwhelming. But after decades in the field I’ve...
Sep 3, 2019
Dr. Coplan is the developmental pediatrician that diagnosed Lucas with mild to severe autism. Now retired, he has decades of experience and wisdom to share with you. Not only does he talk about his fall into the autism world, he also speaks about topics such as waiting lists, denial, and self-care. His mindset is...